Weight watchers

Weight watching has become a new phenomenon over the last few years; there is always some new diet or magic potion being advertised to lure those of us who are caught up in the war against being overweight.

I honestly do not think we were all made to be skinny super model sizes; that’s for sure, but being health conscious is very important.  I certainly do not believe in all the fads and all the new exercise equipment and DVD’s that seem to be released on a daily basis. Everyday, I mean everyday you go on the internet there is something new on weight loss; from simple tips to losing weight to the extreme extravagant ones like putting tape worm in the stomach. Do you know how many diet pills are on the market? I simple think we have gone over board.

There are people with extreme weight issues that need more help than others; I mean if you weigh 600lbs, then you have a serious problem compared to a person who weighs 178lbs and just wants to lose 20lbs.  That latter part of the statement is me; for the last 4 years or so I have been up and down the scale, almost tipping it at 200lbs at one point.  I have been down to 165lbs and then whoosh I ate my way back up to 178lbs…sigh.  But I have learnt something over the years; when I constantly watch my weight and calorie intake and start an exercise routine, it doesn’t work for me.  So maybe that’s why there are so many different exercise fads and diets, something for everyone?

What really works for me is simply eating less and adding more fruits and veggies to my daily fuel intake; it really is that simple for me and the pounds melt away, I mean seriously.  No, I don’t mean the extra weight will vanish in a week, but I start seeing results like a pound a week sometimes even as high as 4lbs will go in one week, but I lack the discipline and I love, absolutely love fried foods. When I forget that I am trying to lose weight and I just eat better foods and fewer portions, I lose weight.  I love to cook my simple meals and serve them up in a saucer and not a plate and mix my different colour seasonings and veggies to make it a lively eat; but I often get turned off from the kitchen.

I let laziness and yes my dear Mom turn me off from going into the kitchen; so I run to the kitchen grab the junk and run out or I just eat what she fixes which is usually something fried. Mom just knows two ways to cook; boil and fried and she boils the nutrients straight out of any food. When she is in the kitchen I am nowhere in sight, but when I get to the kitchen, she is behind me nagging and griping and I get turned off and avoid it like the plague.  But that’s just my experiences and excuses.

I don’t think we have to cut out everything we love out of our diet, I just think we need not over do things. If you eat pizza 4 times in one week, you need help. I think eating in moderation is good; vary our menus each week and make sure we get a good serving each day of fruits and veggies and avoid fried foods. Another issue we have to contend with is processed foods.  The amount of crap that goes into food preservation is ridiculous and sure killers, so we need to cut way back and I mean way back on processed foods and eat a whole lot more natural foods; your digestive system will appreciate it; believe me, constipation is unhealthy and will cause a back up of your system that leads to other health problems.

The question though is didn’t we all learn that prevention is better than cure? So why do we eat ourselves to unhealthiness (whether you are fat or skinny), extra weight, and severe health problems? How hard is it to do the right thing in the first place, so we avoid all the problems that we encounter later on?  Shouldn’t we learn from our mistakes and other peoples experiences? The worst part is, eating healthier doesn’t taste as bad as we think, and we just use that as an excuse. Eating healthier isn’t more expensive either, just go to the market.

Bottom-line we really don’t need to obsess about weight loss and exercise, we just need to do it right; small simple steps that will change our daily intake and make our bodies happier.  We do not have to be extreme and run out and buy a Bow flex machine, moving around a lot more will help while we are eating better.  Exercising and eating poorly will profit us nothing, but great looking abs and butts and unhealthy organs; so while our outsides look fabulous our insides are a mess.

So lets stop watching our weight and just start eating healthier and wiser; time to get my discipline back; how about you?

Looking in, looking forward…

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