Romance in my bones

I am a hopeless romantic; hopelessly so.    I believe in the simple stuff and I believe in the grand things that will put a smile on the face of a loved one.  I believe my partner should be my lover and my friend; guys be sure to read the friends part. Feeling romance in my bones does not mean I want someone to jump my bones, it means I believe in the treasure of deep, passionate and caring love.

I do understand that the doldrums of life can detract from good ole fashion love. We are living in a world now where everything is at our finger tips in practically one click, so we have no time to stop and smell the roses.  Husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends get up each day and go through the motions to the point where they can’t even turn cooking dinner into a romantic event for two.  Our daily routine has blinded most of us to the delight of falling in love all over again.

Now, do not get me wrong; there is no wool over my eyes so I know we have to live and make a living and sometimes life seems hard.  People with children have told me that it is no easy feat trying to squeeze in spouse only time; but what if we make it work.  I think sometimes we see our partners as someone to “make life with” that we forget to appreciate them and enjoy them for who they are.  Sometimes our partners are not the tall, dark and handsome type we dreamed off as young women reading Mills & Boons novels, so we get disillusioned.  Other times we end up with an abusive partner; verbal, emotional or physical.  Then there are the occasions where we live what we saw as children growing up; the stoic, proper relationship between our parents.

What if we broke the mold and live the way we want so we can feel the way we want.  Yes, sometimes there is no money to go to that concert or even to a movie, (can you believe how expensive it is to go to the movies now?); but we can do some simply things that will show our man that we love him.  And ladies, if you keep doing special things for him and he shrugs them off, he obviously doesn’t know better and probably won’t ever get it; but every now and then you have the guy who will grow to appreciate it.

Love notes are simple and do not cost a dime; remember when there was no internet and we all handwrote our letters; I think it is romantic. On your way home stop and get him a snicker bar or some M & M’s from the store.  Make him dinner and play dress up since you can’t afford the restaurant; add some candles.  Guys take notes, I may be addressing the ladies, but you know you need to step up your game.  There are so many fun things that couples can do for each other; if you are clueless check the internet for ideas.

Too many relationships are going kaput because people don’t try anymore.  We have picked up the Hollywood mantra that teaches that it is ok to go into a relationship today and if you find fault tomorrow, run.  Some of us have accepted that relationships are work only and no play; yet while we don’t play with our partners we go out and play with other people.  We have couples who never try a sexual position with each other, but find them cheating and you will think they are gymnasts. So why not try it with your partner and spruce up your life at home, instead of giving someone else the benefit that your partner should be enjoying. 

I want it all. I want the little things; text messages, flowers, a bottle of wine, ice-cream and the notes; and I don’t mean on my birthday or anniversary, just any day.  I want to give little treats and have him show his appreciation for them.  I want him to sing for me even if it’s off key.  I want to give him a lingerie fashion show for his eyes only.  I want romance, and I want my romantic gestures to be appreciated. I want to feel like I am the most special woman in the world and my king should know that he is head of the palace everyday.  Yes, the off days will always be there, but come on, get back up and get going on the romance train, most days the ride is free.

Looking in, looking forward…

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